For the leading valuation of the ledger approach and accounts approach, and for parallel valuations of the ledger approach, the following is valid: The parallel currencies in the leading ledger in General Ledger Accounting and in the depreciation areas in Asset Accounting must be the same.
If you have previously been using parallel currencies in General Ledger Accounting, but you have not implemented the corresponding parallel currency areas in Asset Accounting for all depreciation areas, you must first implement these depreciation areas before you install SAP S/4HANA. Contact your consultant.
Note that the parallel currency areas must have exactly the same settings as the posting area. The only exception to this is the posting to general ledger indicator: Then the parallel currency area gets the Area Does Not Post indicator. Amongst other things, the indicator for transferring acquisition values and the transfer of depreciation terms must be set. This ensures that the value transfer and the parameter transfer are always identical to that of the posting area.
STEP 1: Follow the below path and click on Specify the use of parallel Currencies
STEP 2: Select the Currency type for Depreciation Areas of Additional currencies and also tick Identical APC Value and Identical Depreciation Terms > SAVE.
Adharsh K S